
More Summer Pictures

So I decided I would post a few more of our summer pictures!  I feel retarded because we don't have kids to put pictures of on our blog, but oh well.  Hopefully sooner than later :)  Hollywood was quite the experience.  I took the picture of Debbie Reynolds' star because Mike worked on her tax return this summer.  The people that dress up  as the characters are so funny.  They do that for a living, so they are always asking you for money.  They asked me where I was from and I told them Utah so then of course the guy was like oh yea I'm from Salt Lake. YEA RIGHT BUDDY!  One funny thing that happened was that there was this aspiring rapper going around trying to get people to listen to his CD that he just made.  He even had earphones so people could listen to his CD.  So what do you know he hits Mike up and Mike listens to it.  I wasn't really paying attention, but then  all of the sudden I turn around and see Mike with his wallet out giving this guy a 5 dollar bill.  I was so frustrated with Mike, but it was pretty funny.  Mike the softy!  His excuse was that we gave people in Thailand money, so we had to be fair in America! AHHHH  Good times!  

1 comment:

Brooke and Justin said...

HEY!!! SWEET BLOG!! We can be friends!