
Latest Project

Since it is tax season right now, Mike doesn't get home until late at night.  So in my spare time at nights, I have been trying to decide how to decorate this one wall in our apartment.  The wall is in our kitchen area and it's a pretty big one.  I found this quote that I really liked, so I decided to cut out some vinyl with my cricut and go for it.  I wanted to put a mirror above the saying, but those are pretty expensive for the size I needed to get.  So here is how it turned out.  I also cut out "Sweet Dreams" to put above our bed, but I haven't finished that one yet.  I think they turned out great and am excited that I can make cute homemade gifts for everybody with some vinyl lettering!


Cory said...

You are going to become the new Martha Stewart with all of this time you have. It's totally cute though. Can't way to see you.

Felder Funnies said...

Darling! You and Derice are starting to make me sick with all your cute decorating!