
It's Official

Mike has graduated from BYU!  Last Wednesday we flew into Salt Lake for graduation on Thursday and Friday.  Thursday's ceremony started at 3 and it involved ALL 6,132 graduates.  Thank goodness they didn't announce everybody's name!  President Uchtdorf and Elder Nelson were the guest speakers and did a great job.  It's so weird to see them outside of conference.  They were cracking jokes left and right.  It was so hard to find Mike in the crowd.  I finally spotted him and started crying because I am so proud of him.  It was surreal seeing him walking to his seat with the graduation song playing.  I'm glad we went to the Thursday graduation because it gave me a chance to learn to use my camera in a darker setting.  We did get some great pics after the ceremony though.  Friday's graduation was awesome too!  It was only the Marriott School of Management graduates, so only about 1,000 + graduates.  Mike was in the second row, so his name was called right away.  I almost missed him walking across the stage because I thought there would be more F last names!  I did get some great pics though.  So since he was in the second row, we had to sit through the whole thing.  That's ok, I just sat and talked with my parents.  When we got out of graduation it was raining, so I'm glad we took most of our pictures on Thursday night.  All in all it turned out to be a great graduation.  I'm glad that Mike and I could spend it together.  I know I've already said this before, but I am SO proud of him.  He has worked so hard to be where he's at.  I can't wait to see the success he will have in his future!             


Unknown said...

The pictures turned out great!!!! Love the one behind the cap. It was great to be there with you. We are so proud of both of you!

Traci said...

Yeah for graduation! What a great feeling to be done, good for Mike.

Brooke and Justin said...

CONGRATS to Mike! That is so exciting! Call me when you get a chance. I have been thinking about you guys a lot!

Felder Funnies said...

Yeah for you guys!! Graduation...check... what's next?? Good to see you and D the other day... you guys are the biggest smartasses I know and I freakin love it!