
Give Thanks

So this Thanksgiving, we traveled to St. George where Mike's sister Joye lives. The weather was SUPER cold compared to what we are used to here in CA. (You forget how cold it gets there after you've moved from that state) So I was a little worried about Ty getting sick. Well what do you know the first night was a disaster! He woke up about every 3 hours and wouldn't go back down until I nursed him. He started getting a runny nose and slobbering like crazy, so I thought he was teething. We went the whole week like that, so needless to say we didn't sleep very well! We had fun otherwise though. We ate WAY too much as we always do! Ty had a blast playing w/ his cousins too. We didn't do Black Friday this year because Ty was keeping us up all night. Also I didn't have it planned out what I was going to get everybody, so I probably would've been running around with my head cut off. Oh wait that's what Black Friday is right? We decided to come back on Monday after Thanksgiving cause we knew the traffic from Vegas to LA would be horrible. It's so much nicer to take your time when you're traveling w/ a baby! A couple of days after we got back Ty started getting a fever. I thought it was just from teething, but it got up to 103.5, so we decided to take him to the hospital (cause it was on a Sunday night). Lo and behold he had ear infections in both ears! Poor little guy!!! This was our first experience with Ty being really sick and it was SO scary. He wasn't pulling at his ears or really crying, so I didn't think it was that bad. He just really wanted me to hold him all day, which I didn't mind. I love when he is extra cuddly! We started his medicine right away and you could tell a difference the next day. Thank you modern medicine!! He's all better now and back to beingthe happy little guy that we LOVE so much!

Back To Being Our Little Destroyer

Tired And Sick Little Boy
(and no I don't beat my kid, he was laying on his ear before I took this picture)

5 Happiest Years Of My Life

Family Pics in Utah

1 comment:

Felder Funnies said...

Your family pics were sooo cute!! And your little man is quite adorable!! Hope you have a good Christmas!!