

I know I've probably posted this every February through April, but IS TAX SEASON OVER YET!?!?!?! It's been a whirlwind couple of months for us and it's not over yet. Ty and I have been going, going, going. We've been to Dick and Donna's, Darice and Trent's and to my parents house. Then in two weeks we are off to Hawaii! WAAHOO!!!! And all by ourselves, no baby! DOUBLE WAAHOO!!!! I know I'm going to ball my eyes out when I leave the little monster, but I'm excited all at the same time too. I don't think I even took any pictures while at Dick and Donna's or D's house. I went to D's house to watch her little munchkins while she went to Denver for volleyball. They are the cutest little volleyball players ever! And Brooks and Ty, well one day they will learn to get along :) It was fun minus the 1 day flu that everybody got everyday I was there. Ugh, throw up is NOT fun.

Aunt Joye Cutting Tys Hair for the First Time

I got back from Utah on a Thursday and on Saturday I left for my parents' house. I stopped by to see my Grandma Smith who was in a recovery facility cause she had had a stroke. It was good to see her, but sad because she wasn't responsive at all. I thought she would do well seeing new faces and especially with Ty in the room. But then Sunday morning my dad got the news that she had passed away. She led such a good life and was such an example to me in many ways! I remember her and grandpa coming to most of my volleyball games even when grandpa was in a wheelchair. She loved her family and friends. Mike told me I remind him a lot of my grandma. She was born and raised in Texas, so you know she told it how it was. :) I will miss you grandma, but know that you are happy and in a better place with your sweetheart!

Grandma w/ Ty (not sure when this was taken)

Here is 4 Generations on the Smith Side

Most of the family came down for the funeral and it was fun to have most of the cousins around each other. My mom and I took Ty out to the farm one day and he loved the animals. I guess it's time to go to the zoo! I thought he would be scared of the cows, but he wanted to crawl right in the feeding troughs. He really liked the tractor, so looks like when he's old enough he will be going down to grandpas farm to work whether he likes it or not, ha. I miss the country life when I'm home sometimes. The smells, the open space, no traffic, etc. etc. But I love life on our own too!

Checking Out the Cows


Traci said...

Enjoy your trip to Hawaii! We just got back yesterday.... it was hard without the boys... but so so much better :)
Also sorry to hear about your grandma, that's never fun.

Kristine Pratt said...

Have so much fun in Hawaii! Glad you are doing fun things while Mike is so busy!!!