

Phew, it's been awhile! I seriously need to do better at blogging, cause our little family is changing so much. Lets see...Ty will be 2 next month!!! Can you believe it? I can't. I'm working on his birthday bash right now and I'm already stressed about it. Geesh, he's only 2! I know I've said this before, but with his birthday being so close to Christmas, it's so hard to do anything. So we have celebrated with family instead of having a big bash. I'm excited for this years birthday and Christmas though cause he'll actually know what to do with the presents. We already got him a Strider bike in July for his birthday present. He's getting pretty good at it and soon enough he'll be taking off.

Anyway, I guess I should start w/ Halloween. Ty was a cow as you will see from the pictures and he loved his costume. Didn't fight me at all and didn't care if he took it off or not either. He has asked a couple of times for his costume, but I just say it's being washed and he drops it. We went trick or treating with our neighbors and he got the hang of it after about 3 houses. Silly Ty would say trick or treat, but he wouldn't say thank you! We came home after about 10 houses and wanted to pass out our own candy, but we only had 3 trick or treaters. Lame! I think I needed to decorate the outside of our house better. As for bedtime that night, it was a little funny. I think Ty was a little scared to go to bed from all of the different things going on. I had to rock him to sleep and then sleep with him for a little while before he would let go of me. His grip was so tight on my shirt!

Me Looking Very Sick w/ Ty Confused and Mike Sleepy

Got The Hang Of It

Not Quite Sure What To Do Yet

Kisses For Daddy

Getting Ready

In other news, I have been SOOOO sick. Because, yup I'm pregnant! For the last month and a half I have thrown up every single day, sometimes twice a day. So this past month has not been fun for our family. I do feel like the worst mom, cause Ty doesn't do much throughout the day. I don't let him watch too much TV or movies, so he's been pretty good about playing with himself. He was so funny the other night though, Mike and I were just sitting watching him play and we both got up to do something and he came over and grabbed both of our hands and said, "Sit, play." Ha, boy he just might have a little culture shock come June! I'm due the beginning of June, so hopefully this dumb sickness is almost over!

Yes I am biased, but Ty is the cutest thing ever! This age is so fun to me! He says the silliest things sometimes and will repeat anything we tell him too. He still uses his Spanish which is great, I hope he keeps that up and I hope I can keep it up cause I feel like a broken record! Yes he does have his moments, but for the most part I could not ask for a better child.

Family Wake Boarding Trip the End of September

How Do You Like His Jacked Up Haircut!?


Brynn said...

Congrats on the pregnancy, Denae! Hopefully you'll feel better soon.

G.O. Garrison said...

You're not biased. He is the cutest thing ever. Are we gonna have a family part out in Brentwood for him? We totally should! Can't wait to see you guys :) x

Kristine Pratt said...

Congrats Denae! Isn't throwing up the worst! I hope it goes away soon for you!

Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! SO excited for you and Mike :) <3

Traci said...

So awesome, congrats on the pregnancy! Being sick is awful, hopefully you get better soon! And I agree, this age is so fun.... I'm excited to hear what you're going to have, such a fun time for you guys.

Emily said...

Congratulations you guys, such exciting news! I will miss seeing you at our weekly basketball games, we will have to plan something and get together!