
Early Christmas

Although the holiday season has started, we didn't think we would be "giving" so early this year.  As Mike left the apartment this morning, he realized his bike was gone.  The lock was there, but his bike was nowhere to to be found.  At first we were upset, but then we realized that the thief probably needed it more than us.  We hope whoever took Mike's bike enjoys it, and if you are reading this, "Merry Christmas."


Felder Funnies said...

I'm so sorry but I'm afraid that's a part of college life. Chris had two bikes stolen when we were up in Washington. The sad thing is that they were major beater bikes! Like, if you're going to steal a bike, at least steal a Trek or a Cannondale!! That sucks though!!

Kristan Carter said...

OH my goodness first you laptop now your bike...Gee you guys are sure giving...

Lisa Nielsen said...

What a nice way to look at it! I would be ticked off! Denae, I'm glad you have a blog and found mine. We'll have to keep in touch. Hope everything is going good for you!