Yes, I know it's been awhile! Yes I'm in my 8th month of pregnancy and have no energy, therefore the blog takes a back seat. Let's see since Ty's birthday/Christmas, we have moved into our house and have been working, working, working on it. It's coming along quite nicely, if I do say so myself. It's an old house, so we are fixing it up as we go. See before and after pictures in my next post.
Hooray For Rain
Playing In The Puddles
Other than that, we have been a single family (without a dad) for the last 3 months! And yes life has been rough, not going to lie! Especially with the commute that Mike has to drive now, it's even worse. Two more days, but who's counting. ME!!!! I started potty training Ty about 4 weeks ago and he's doing pretty good I think. The first week was rough, but he's caught on, minus the pooping in the toilet. He tells me he needs to go poop though, so that's a plus. He just won't go in the toilet, he still goes in his diaper, but not in his undies. He is gaining quite the personality these days (tantrums galore). I wish I had a camera/recorder on me all the time, cause he says the funniest things.
We having been traveling a lot during tax season. We've been to our usual spots, my parents' house, the in-laws and St. George. While we were at my parents' house we went to the fair. This is a HUGE deal in my hometown, so it was fun to let Ty experience it. It is a true country fair with animals (that kids of all ages raise, show and then auction off), concerts, shows, etc., etc. He got to see all kinds of animals and ride the only rides he was tall enough for. My favorite thing at the fair growing up was the donuts they have to eat, so yes we had a donut and a corn dog for dinner! My dad had to go check the baler's one night while we were home, so Ty couldn't wait to ride the tractors. He did a few rounds on the tractor w/ uncle Conrad until the baler got clogged. Conrad said he fell asleep (which do you blame him w/ tractor driving), but he LOVES tractors now and always wants to go to Grandpa Ken's house and ride the tractors! Needless to say I think Ty had a very fun week at grandma and grandpa's house.
Too High Mom!
Ty's Favorite Ride
A Boat Ride
The Lambs
The Goats
The Pigs (He Wouldn't Get Too Close)
Ty's Not Too Sure About All The Noise
Conrad Explaining Something To Me
We did have a few visitors come stay with us at our new house, which was so nice to actually have room for visitors. Darice had a volleyball tournament in Anaheim, so they came down a couple of days early and spent some time with us. The kids did a lot of playing outside which was so nice! Me and D did some shopping, so of course we had to get our boys matching shirts. These two crack me up and will be best buds growing up (whenever we see them)!
Crazy Boys!
Ty w/ Tess First Thing In The Morning

We spent Easter in St. George cause Chloe (Mike's niece) got baptized. I can't believe she is 8! When Mike and I met, she was probably only almost a year old. Crazy how time flies! We died some eggs for the Easter bunny before we left and Ty loved it. He was a little impatient letting the eggs soak in the color, but other than that I think he thought it was neat how they went in white and came out a different color. Once they came out he did want to crack them though. Boys!! We didn't do much in St. George, but it was nice to see ALL of the cousins that live there.
Finally Hunting For Eggs
Waiting Patiently
Cracking The Eggs

Dipping The Eggs
I have about another month until this little boy comes and I can't wait! Ty is going to have the shock of his life, but I think he will love his brother. He LOVES babies that's for sure. I wish I would've gotten a picture of him w/ Darice's new baby Tess. He is ALL over her! There a few odds and ends that I still need to get, but other than that I'm ready to go. Bring on the sleepless nights and of course the hugs and kisses!!!